1. Think about your message
What is it that your document is attempting to accomplish? Important contracts must be created for printing in a way that is far different than a homemade birthday card. Color quality and image details must be thought about before you make the decision to print your image. Visualizing what you would like the finished product to look like and understanding color, quantity, and style considerations will help you to purchase the right paper and cartridges for your documents.
2. Consider size and resolution
If any images will be printed onto your documents, you must consider how large or small those images are. If an image is “blown up”, it may appear blurry when printed onto paper or another printable material. On the other hand, very small images may become smeared or difficult to see. Play around with size and resolution and make a few “test” prints before you start wasting ink/toner and paper on hundreds of documents that won’t have the look that you desire.
3. Select the right paper
Think about what type of paper you would like your document to be printed on. Professional paperwork may be printed onto satin paper, while company memos would do fine on regular 8 1/2 X 11 copy paper. If you’re trying to print photo you may also consider a glossy photo paper, and if you’d like to mail out invitations, a sturdy card stock will get the job done nicely.
4. Use excellent cartridges
The documents that you print are only as good as the cartridges that you choose to print them with. Many businesses make the mistake of purchasing refurbished cartridges from small, cheap Mom & Pop shops that don’t have the skill or ability to create quality printing materials. Often, these cartridges will leak, smudging important documents or leaving blots on valuable papers. That's why coming to Absolute Toner is the right choice; we have a team of engineers dedicated to offering low costing, quality cartridges.
In addition to finding a reliable manufacturer, it’s wise to choose a quality that’s compatible with your documents. If you would like to print pictures from your latest family vacation, for example, its smart to make the investment in cartridges designed for photography for best results.
5. Allow for sufficient dry time
Once the document is printed, you’ve got to give it time to dry adequately. Standard black and white notes printed on copy paper will tend to dry quickly, but documents with numerous colors and large images will need time to air dry in order to avoid smudging. This will save you the cost and headache associated with having to print again.
Printing attractive and quality documents doesn’t have to be a challenge. By following these five simple steps, you’ll create excellent prints every time.
Cut the Price, Not the Quality!