When you calibrate, you optimize the quality of copied and scanned jobs. The press prints a calibration pattern for you to place on the document platen glass. The press then scans the calibration pattern, and automatically makes adjustments as required.
Note: This does not improve the image quality of print jobs, only jobs that are being copied and scanned.
- Log in as the Administrator. See the Related Content for additional information.
- Select the Machine Status button on the UI.
- Select the Tools tab.
- Select Setup & Calibration > Calibration.
- Select either Copy Job 1 or Copy Job 2 for the Screen Type.
- Select Paper Supply and choose the desired paper tray.
Note: You should calibrate on your most frequently used paper.
- Select Start. By default, the Target is set Copy Jobs Only, if it is not then Select Copy Jobs Only.
- Select Start. The press prints a calibration chart and instructions display on the UI.
- Collect the print and follow the directions on the UI to position the target onto the Document Glass.
- Place the chart face down with the two square Magenta patches against the left edge of the Document Glass.
- Place sheets of white paper over the chart.
- Lower the Document Feeder Cover and select Start. The UI displays a Calibration in process message, and then displays a Calibration has been successfully completed message.
- When the calibration is complete, touch Confirm.
- Select Close. The main Tools tab screen displays.
- Exit the Administrator mode